Frequently Asked Questions - Interview Services

What makes your service special?

We are retired administrators who know how to help you enhance your answers to interview questions.

Do I have to travel to meet you?

Location does not matter.  We can meet in person, if you are located near us, but we can effectively utilize technology to conduct our interview session either via phone or internet.  

What type of feedback will you provide?

Every question answered  during your interview session will receive detailed feedback.  We believe in providing both positive comments as well as suggestions for constructive improvement.  

Do I get to decide what areas are covered during my session?

Absolutely!  You will be given an opportunity to provide specific areas on which you would like to focus in advance of our session.  You can also ask to skip a question if  you feel confident in that area. This interview preparation is designed exclusively for you.

Interview Services for Teachers and Administrators

We will help you prepare for any topic by creating a structure for your demo lesson or writing sample as part of the interview process used by many school districts.   

What can I expect from a debriefing session?

Shortly after your interview, you would provide the questions asked that may have been challenging and we will help you prepare an answer for the next time that question or one similar is posed.  And of course, we would love to hear about the ways in which our services helped or could be improved.  Teachers and administrators have reported this service has enhanced their future interviews!